Grow your assets.

Inform your decision-making.

Our full suite digital asset investment brokerage solution blends industry-leading partners, years of experience & cutting-edge technologies.
Apply to Prizma

Asset Management

Our full suite digital asset investment brokerage solution blends industry-leading partners, years of experience & cutting-edge technologies.

We’re driving the mechanisms of investment brokering and asset management that the world has grown accustomed to, into the future age of digital assets.

Manage your exposure

Get access to exciting new asset classes to diversify your investment portfolio.

Manage your risk

Navigate the volatile asset classes with sound risk management practices.

Optimise your returns

Watch your assets accumulate and grow across your digital investments.

Digital Prime Brokerage

Our systems have been built to give our clients industry-leading access to the digital asset markets.

Our digital prime brokerage solution brings the best-in-class services, products and capabilities to the digital asset markets. Providing aggregated liquidity pools, institutional settlement capabilities, and lock & key custody solutions for risk-managed and performance-optimised returns.

Access the market

Get institutional-grade access to trade volatile assets.

Control your positions

Take control of the positions you take in the market with instant settlement capabilities.

Optimise your returns

Watch your assets accumulate and grow across your digital investments.

First access the markets, then beat them.

Aggregated liquidity pool

The greater your access to liquidity, the better your ability to get the best possible price for your trades.

You shouldn’t have to battle with liquidity providers to conclude a deal. They should battle to get the right deals done at the right price.

Instant settlement capabilities

In a market that is open 24/7/365, you can’t afford to have anything take longer than it needs to.

Being able to settle and clear trades instantly enables you to execute on your positions exactly when you need to.

Lock & key asset custody

With digital asset custodians springing up almost daily in this new age of finance, it’s hard to know who to trust. You can’t afford to not know if your funds are secure.

We offer our clients the highest level of industry security for your funds - fully insured at all times - even in transit.

Single market access portal

Allocating your capital across multiple platforms helps you to get the best deals, but leaves you exposed.

Having access to the whole market through one access portal gives you the ability to manage your assets directly with no hidden costs of trading.

Tailored Investment Advisory

We use our experience in cryptos, fund management, and professional trading to provide our clients with a high-touch advisory service.

With the excitement surrounding new asset classes comes hesitancy to participate. We offer our clients leading investment advice to ensure that they’re always in-touch, well-informed, and up-to-date with the markets they are exposed to.

Leverage our experience

Combined 35 years of multi-disciplinary experience to inform decision-making.

Utilise our strategies

Access our suite of tailored trading strategies to diversify your portfolio.

Optimise your returns

Watch your assets accumulate and grow across your digital investments.

Automated Trading Strategies

Access our purpose-built, extensively tested, and robust automated strategies that help you trade volatile assets.

From our experiences in fund management and algorithmic trading, we have developed a suite of automated trading strategies, based on sound risk management practices, that can be tailored to suit individual investment needs.

Leverage our strategies

A tailored suite of algorithmic trading strategies and portfolios that work to grow your assets.

Set your risk

Our systems manage risk at a professional fund management level, that can be adjusted to your appetite.

Optimise your returns

Watch your assets accumulate and grow across your digital investments.

DeFi Lending & Credit Solutions

With Prizma, you are exposed to trading the underlying asset rather than artificially manipulated derivatives. We give you access to proprietary credit lines that give you the best positions in the market - beyond just leverage.

Institutional-level lines of credit give you the ability to trade assets through one venue, thereby minimising the risks of being spread thin across multiple exchanges.

Minimise your holding

Our credit services give you market access whilst minimising assets on exchange.

Maximise your exposure

Gain exposure to digital assets directly through our management  portal.

Optimise your returns

Watch your assets accumulate and grow across your digital investments.